Quick Enquiry Request Visit/Task/Meeting
Food Ordering & Delivery Mobile App
Take orders, payments and improve loyalty with a fully app for your restaurant.
You could be running a restaurant, pharmacies, retail stores, or groceries or any kind of store and can use this app for managing a fleet of drivers to do home delivery, drive your customers into a comfort zone where ordering online food becomes a user friendly with complete digital synced solutions in food delivery.

Popular online ordering platforms includes
Customer Search/Order
Order Tracking
In-App Payments
Customer/Owner Track Live Order & Drivers online
Real Time Web Dashboard
POS System
Food Ordering Website.
Real Estate Property Agents Mobile App
Real Estate Property listing allows searching for accommodation based on specific parameters, like address, region, city, neighborhood, etc. Listing-based apps require close integration with local property management classified portals. When it comes to give convenient services to your customers to sell, buy or rent properties, with Real Estate App Development Solutions, you can accomplish all purposes to amplify your business in a contemporary way.

Easy Properties Listing
Overview Statistics
Advanced Search Criteria
Agent Upload New properties
List your properties on property portals.
Buy and Sell properties
Online Auction Multipurpose Mobile App
Best online auction mobile app for multipurpose, Buy or Sell new and used items with shipping and delivery partners integrated.
Fintech Mobile App
Mobile applications integrating other technologies develop to improve and automate traditional forms of finance for businesses and consumers. Make your customers digital banking and investing experience smooth without irritation like banking long queue lines.

Manage Daily Expenses And Offers..
Cost effective. ...
Financial Deepening and Inclusion. ...
Convenient to use. ...
Faster access to loans. ...
Streamlined financial operations. ...
Better Risk Management. ...
Improved customer experience. ...
Innovative approach.
Corporate Business Mobile App TASK/Daily CheckList / Live Communication
Using enterprise mobility solutions, businesses have tremendous opportunities to modernize their operations to defeat challenges, boost productivity, enrich customer services and earn more revenue.

Online & Invoice Appointment
Sales & Marketing
Attendance Management
Employee Management
HR Portals
Geo Based TASK
Geo Based Daily Checklist
Live Communication